Except me of course :-)
Immediately after launching my blog two years ago, I embarked on a mission to connect with other Kenyan bloggers. The task of finding my fellow Kenyans with similar interests as mine proved difficult. I was eventually disappointed and resigned the search after realizing there were none.
I have never come across a Kenyan who blogs without the ulterior motive of making money at the end of the day (I mean Kenyans who live in Kenya not outside). Kenyans do not see any point of starting and maintaining a blog just for the sake of blogging.
They have not realized other benefits of blogging e.g. improves writing skills and opens one to the rest of the world. If they have, then that does hold water for them. When I was started my blog, I was not concerned about how many visitors or money I will get at the end of the day. No matter your writing skills, if your content is good, readers will come.
It is actually sad to see that 99% of Kenyan bloggers write either to publish their blog as a book later; advertise and sell their skills or services, looking for donations, lots of Google ads all over the pages and the list of goes on.
Are there Kenyans who love blogging and do it as a hobby after a long day or week of work? A Kenyan who undergoes the hustle of maintaining a blog just for fun, share and learn? I haven’t found one yet.
What has happened to the Kenyan society? Is life only about making money?
An insight like a window into my culture, Kenyan & my observations while traveling....
Kenyans Love Money
Nice post.very candid . Hope you van motivate a few of your countrymen to this aspect of internet too? Good Wishes..
Yeah, am here. I serched and gave up too. I keep my blog just for me, not for money. jst for me and the fun it brings.
Thank you all for your visits and comments. @ Millie, that makes two of us so far at least.
I enjoyed your blog, your observation about Kenyan bloggers is very general. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Nice posts you have here. :-) Sure there are. I also blog as a hobby and to sharpen my writing skills just like you. Find me at thedandymedic.blogspot.com
@enigma, true the are few like us. Its good we know ourselves and share positively. Thanks for finding me.
I enjoyed reading your blog.It has a nice feel and touch in it.
I'm a passionate kenyan blogger and although my blog enables me get clients to my writing business, it's the love of blogging that makes me wake up everyday looking forward to write a post for my blog.
It's that ability to connect with different people around the globe that motivates me most.
Nice connecting with you.
Nice review, it was interesting to get to know more about Kenia
you just found us... we have a beauty blog and we are just interested in sharing our experiences with others.

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- Dirishani
- Mombasa, Kenya
- I started blogging while in Belize Central America, I'm now back in Kenya. I like to express, share and learn different cultures and lifestyles. I've open my window for you to join me and continue the inspiration. Look and experience the world through my window.
I love your blog.. esp. the pictures. So much insight to a place. Guess I found the blog at the right time, just when I was researching for our next holiday. My daughter has been wanting to go for the last 2 years.